Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Elections 2008!

Back again!

As we all realize, election day is about six days away, and now is an important time to be considering which candidate we will vote for. Not only is it important to understand a party's platform, but also to understand the party's decision-making principles.

As part of the nursing community, I think now is a crucial time period during which nurses can make themselves heard and improve our health care system. Just by participating, we are changing things!

So, I just implore everyone in nursing (student, practitioner, professor) to act on his or her right to vote. It's an important thing!

Pick a party that represents you, nursing issues, and issues you feel strongly toward. Think with your mind--think ahead to the future.

Judge calmly by taking in all aspects of each party to decide who you believe would act in the best interests of the country as the Prime Minister of Canada.

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